Jukebox by Writersmelon

Short stories, if written brilliantly, are like hi- tea delicacies which you wish to savour as a main course. Well, I have a similar desire while reading some of the short stories compiled by Writersmelon named as Jukebox.
There are total 15 short stories in the collection of Jukebox exploring the dark theme, humor and love. Some of the stories were adorable, touching, heartwarming and few were like riddle I was not able to understand them, again a few were so dark that I felt gloomy. Jukebox is a complete package and you will get to read every kind of story exploring various facets of human nature.

Stories Which I Loved
One of my favourites was written by Arvind Passey. I follow him on Twitter and was pleasantly surprised to see his short story in the collection. He has dexterously captured the innocence of the down syndrome child. It was the most heart touching stories.
Another one which I loved and nearly cried was The Letter Undefined written by Neha Krishna. The beauty of the story was in the language. It was like reading a poem where a lover has bear opened her heart.
Colours by Vinitha Rajan vividly depicts the sentiments of a new dad madly in love with his child’s mother. Though such men are rare to be found in real life.
One story in the collection was relatable. That was A Deep Fried Love Story by Diptee Raut. Many people who commute through metro train will have a similar experience to share.
There is a crime thriller as well Story by Abhishek Mukherjee. Though I failed to come to any conclusion, but it was a commendable effort by the author.
Another short story Monster by Amritorupa Kanjilal had a touch of suspense was also worth a read.
The Verdict
Well, these were my personal favourites in the collection. Jukebox is worth a pick. There is something for everyone in it.