Enhance Your Understanding About Finance and Market With These Books

Following are the list of some great books which will enhance your knowledge on the Global economy and monetary policy

Paper Money by Adam Smith
Paper Money will take you as back as Oil Crisis of 1970’s in search of root problem behind the crisis of 2008. It is an informative and insightful book written by Adam Smith (not the original one) to understand how the current the global financial system evolved and why the crisis plagued the system.

Money Mischief by Milton Friedman
Money Mischief is specially written by Milton Friedman for academic world, explaining them the nitty gritty of money and how the money system evolved, monetary policy, etc. It is somewhat not recommended for the laymen or people less than average grip over the subject but more for the ones who want to sharpen their understanding of the nature of money.

Money – Whence It Came, Where It Went by John Galbraith
Economics is a dry subject and money is a complicated topic when you try to understand the concept and theories of the same. John Galbraith had added humor to make Money – Whence It Came, Where It Went an entertaining and interesting need. The book had detailed history of money starting from the 16th century. A good book to decode the money and monetary policies. `

Money: The Unauthorized Biography by Felix Martin
Money: The Unauthorized Biography by Felix Martin is another interesting read on money, clarifying many ideas and concepts related to money and busting myths and confusion around it. A must read in order to get an insight about the evolution of money and its role in the economy.

What has Government Done To Our Money by Murray Rothbard
So what exactly the government has done to our money. Well, according to Murray Rothbard in the book What has Government Done To Our Money, the government has manipulated our currency, inflated it and reduced its value. How the government did that, is what the book is all about. It will be an enlightening read if you choose to read it.

Naked Money by Charles Wheelan
What is money? It seems like a simple question with one line answer paper currency issued by the government to buy things against it. But money is a very broad term and your head might start reeling if you go deeper into the subject. Charles Wheelan is the best economist writer around and through his book Naked Money he does a stupendous job to simplify the complicated jargon of the world of money.
Books on Trading and Stock Market

A Mathematician Plays The Stock Market by John Allen
The author John Allen is no stock market expert or trader. His area of specialization is Mathematics. But he ventured into Stock market and this book is all about his personal experience in trading and his understanding about the different facets of trading. It is good book for the beginners.

Money Game by Adam Smith
George Goodman, the author of Money Game is more famous and known by his pseudonym name Adam Smith. He had written many classic economic books, The Money Game being one of them written on the stock market and investments. A must read.

A Random Walk Down Wall Street by Burton G. Malkiel
A Random Walk Down Wall Street is an all time favourite book of anyone interested in Stock Market. Burton Malkiel has poured ocean in the pot. The book is a great read for the topics like Capital Asset Pricing Model, betas, the Efficient Market Hypothesis, the random walk theory, commodities, derivatives and guides for investment in mutual funds, ETF, stocks etc.

One Up On Wall Street: How to Use What You Already Know to Make Money in the Market by Peter Lynch
Another awesome read on stock market is One Up On Wall Street.Though it is more than decade old but traders still swear by this book.

Think & Trade Like a Champion: The Secrets, Rules & Blunt Truths of a Stock Market Wizard by Mark Minervini
Think & Trade Like A Champion is a brilliant book on trading released in recent time and is receiving some raving reviews. The book concentrates on the technical part of trading and meticulously explains various aspects of trading with special emphasis on the exit technique. It is a must read.