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I’m a big fan of The Lincoln Lawyer series by Michael Connelly. Till date I have read The Lincoln Lawyer and The Gods of Guilt in this series. Both were superb suspense thriller novel. But The Reversal was a little disappointing. It has a lot of thrill but sadly suspense in the plot ends up nothing which gives a very weird feeling like you dig mountain just to find a mice.

True to its title, The Reversal has a few things reversed like, judgement was reversed which became the crux of the plot. Michael’s role as a defense lawyer in the previous novels has been reversed. In the plot he is the prosecutor from The People Side. He was good as a prosecutor as well but I really missed the way he used to tear the prosecutor’s witness apart while cross examination. 

Apart from Mickey Haller, The Reversal also features Harry Bosch who is also a very well known series hero of Connelly. Harry is a hardcore LAPD detective and also a half brother of Mickey Haller. He is the lead investigator of Mickey Haller in the novel. But the author had made sure to give both his heroes  ample space and action in the plot. So the book keep reversing from the first person for Mickey to third person for Harry.

Together with Maggie McPherson, they ensured that justice be done to deceased little girl Melissa Landy  who was killed by Jason Jessup.  After spending 24 years in jail, Jason Jessup has managed to reversed the judgement and was on the verge of becoming a free man. But his plans were spoiled by Mickey and company.

The plot of the story was very weak. There was hardly any suspense in the novel. We know from the chapter one who was the killer. Once Jessup was released from the jail on bail, his unusual behavior during night do create some suspense that something is boiling and is about to happen which will shakes thing up. But sadly nothing happens. The author was just too good in creating an ambiance of mystery which led to no where.

Connelly used his characters like both the heroes daughter to build up suspense but it was all such a waste. The book started some what well and created interesting possibilities, but it lost completely in throwing up any surprise and ended with a thud.

Also I missed Mickey’s trademark Lincoln car seating in its back seat he defends his clients. It is due to this, he is known as The Lincoln Lawyer. But it was missing in this book. Mickey worked from a rented office.

The Verdict:

Among the five books in The Lincoln Lawyer series, I’ve read three. Among which two were sheer excellent books but even as a self professed fan of Michael Connelly writing, I have to say The Reversal was a disappointment. Still if you wish can read it.

Other Books in The Series

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The Lincoln Lawyer Book 1

The Gods of Guilt by Micheal Connelly
The Gods of Guilt

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Ritu Mantri

Ritu is an avid book reader. She also reviews books and have reviewed around 200+ books till date. Her target is to finish 1000 books.