Unreal Aliens by Karthik Laxman


Unreal times book

Unreal Aliens is a hilarious attempt to capture the ongoing political and media (mis)happening in India by Karthik Laxman. He is the founder of Unreal Times who rules the social media space when it comes to spoof, satires, parody and comedy.


Good Story Line

I must say that it is not a mindless comedy written by the author. There is a very solid story in the book which act as an anchor to the amusing plot taken straight from the real world.



Comedy book

So coming to the story, it is about an alien country named Mor whose prince had been kidnapped and according to their findings, the Prince was in India. Alien commander request Modi to help in search finding their Prince which latter rejects. As a consequence Aliens attack India. What happen next and how India was rescued forms the rest of the story.


Real Life Characters

The author has not used metaphors for real life characters while writing the story. He didn’t care to mince his words. He wrote as it is known to the people.

So, many politicians and media people who are known to remain in buzz like Narendra Modi, Amit Shah, Subramanian Swamy, Arvind Kejriwal, Sonia Gandhi, Rahul Gandhi, Manmohan Singh, few more Congressmen, Nitish Kumar, Mulayam Singh etc. are seen in action in the novel.

Book blogger

Among the media person, Sagarika Ghose,  Bharkha, Rajdeep Sardesai, of course Arnab Goswami etc. were playing a crucial role in making headlines.

Few Bollywood celebrities and cricketers also made a guest appearance in the novel. Together they add a lot of flavour and laughing moment in the novel.


Situations Picked From Real World

As I wrote earlier, the plot for the story has been picked up by the real world incidents and occurrences. When Alien commander comes to meet Narendra Modi the entire episode was similar to Obama’s visit to India.

Arvind Kejriwal, best known for his gimmicks, was portrayed accordingly to his popular image by the author. He blames Modi for everything, even for the partition of India.

Arnab Goswami doesn’t allow anyone to speak. All in all, the author uses the real time personalities in their true traits and fit them effortlessly in his story line. Nothing seems to be forced upon or out of logic.


Situations Inspired from Movie

Unreal election 2

The second half of the book was picked straight from the movie Inception maybe scene by scene only improvised according to storyline. It was a bit sluggish and exaggerated, but close to reality.


Good Punches


There were some great punches in the story. I especially liked the one on Pakistan, imparting training to young people to become professional terrorist and another on Sonia’s decision to choose Manmohan Singh, which comes at the end of the novel. Don’t want to reveal it. Find out on your own and enjoy it.


The Verdict

Why I enjoyed reading  Unreal Aliens along with many other readers?

It is so because the author has written this book as a common man. He wrote what we all feel about our politicians and media people. We all want Dawood Ibrahim dead or caught and punished. Well the author does that in his fictitious world.


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Ritu Mantri

Ritu is an avid book reader. She also reviews books and have reviewed around 200+ books till date. Her target is to finish 1000 books.

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