Hello everyone, I just wanted to talk a little bit about me and my writing.
So firstly, a few fun facts about me:
1. I’m an avid Pop! Vinyl collector. I collect Disney and Superhero characters.
2. My favourite TV show is The Flash and Supergirl is a close second.
3. I love Marvel movies, especially the Avengers movies. There is just something
awesome about superhero all-star team ups.
4. I have a Border-Collie cross Labrador dog.
5. I can never pick a favourite book or series, there are just too many that I love. The
Ranger’s Apprentice series, The Lunar Chronicles, The False Prince, The Scorpio
Races and The Talon Saga would all definitely be in my top five.
Now about my writing.
I have always loved stories and have been writing small silly stories since I was about ten years old, at that stage it was namely Peter Pan fan-fiction. But it wasn’t until I was in high school did I start writing properly.
Rise of the Erifs started out as a story for me, something I wrote during lunchtimes in the library on scrapes of paper or in the back of my exercise books and after school I would rush home and type it up on the family computer. It was somewhere for me to escape to. The
characters became my friends, and writing about them was like visiting them and talking to
them. I was the quiet, shy kid at school who didn’t really fit in but the library was the one
place where I did.
So when I’m writing that’s who I think about, those kids sitting in school libraries during
lunch with a precious book in their hands, escaping reality for a while. They are who I write
So you beautiful dreamers, please never stop dreaming.
– Atlanta
About Author:
Hi, I’m Atlanta Bushnell!
I live in a seaside suburb in Melbourne, Australia. I’m currently studying a Bachelor of Education at university to be a primary school teacher, so I divide my time between studying for my course and writing my novels, which means at times I have to write late at night and sometimes even into the early hours of the morning. Any spare time I have left over I usually spend with friends and family who are a constant inspiration and encouragement. Any other spare time I have I leave for my music, drawings and of course a good book.
The Fire Song Chronicles is available now!
Book 1: Rise of the Erifs Book 2: Secrets in the Ice
I’m currently writing the third book in the series.
Follow us on Instagram @atlantabushnellbooks for more information and updates
Atlanta Bushnell is giving away one set of both the books of the series to a lucky winner. Enter in the giveaway now. It is open internationally.
Here’s the link
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