durjoy datta

A romantic novel The Boy Who Loved by the chocolaty featured author Durjoy Datta is all set to release with another blockbuster and most awaited novel Sita Warrior of Mithila by Amish Tripathi on 29th May 2017. 

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The only thing you cannot plan in life is when and who to fall in love with . . .

Raghu likes to show that there is nothing remarkable about his life—loving, middle-class parents, an elder brother he looks up to and plans to study in an IIT. And that’s how he wants things to seem—normal.

Deep down, however, the guilt of letting his closest friend drown in the school’s swimming pool gnaws at him. And even as he punishes himself by hiding from the world and shying away from love and friendship, he feels drawn to the fascinating Brahmi—a girl quite like him, yet so different. No matter how hard Raghu tries, he begins to care . . . Then life throws him into the deep end and he has to face his worst fears.  

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Ritu Mantri

Ritu is an avid book reader. She also reviews books and have reviewed around 200+ books till date. Her target is to finish 1000 books.

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