dear thing by julie cohen buy amazon

After reading a political book (The Accidental Prime Minister by Sanjaya Baru) and a spiritual book(Living With the Himalayan Masters by Swami Rama) I was, kind of, desperate to read a light hearted fiction. Dear Thing by Julie Cohen was best for me. The book has a heart touching plot with which any one can relate.

The story is about a couple Ben and Claire who are desperately trying to become parents but fails each time. The inner turmoil of the couple missing each month has been beautifully portrayed. It almost brought tears in my eyes while reading.

Mostly couples become parents in the matter of fun, but there are many couples who has difficult time in doing so. People around doesn’t make it easy as well. They never forget to remind you about the missing thing in your life. Julie has woven her story around such a scenario. It is a very sensitive issue and the author has managed it will.

Ben and Claire finds solution in the form of Romily, Ben’s friend, who offers to surrogate. This leads to many complications in the relationships of three of them. But the roller coaster ride of various emotions of these three characters makes the book un-putdownable.

There is nothing novel in the plot and it was predictable from the very beginning but the characterization is the USP of the book. All the characters are very human and real and easy to relate. The author has skillfully infused life in each of her character.

Romily which starts as a underdog and most confused character of the story actually matures most as the story progresses and outshine all other characters.

I loved Poise, the little daughter of Romily. She is ebullient and intelligent. She provides relief in otherwise heart rendering story. Also there are few humorous moments which will surely bring smile on the reader’s face and release the tension.

The story drags in between but the introduction of Romily’s boy friend Jarvis who also happens to be Poise’s father, breathes in more melodrama into the plot. The plot takes many interesting turns from there.

The Verdict

Overall it was an excellent read and readers could relate both to characters and situation.

Beside the story renders an important message to make your children feel wanted in your life.

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Ritu Mantri

Ritu is an avid book reader. She also reviews books and have reviewed around 200+ books till date. Her target is to finish 1000 books.