Hard Choices by Hillary Clinton amazon

Hard Choices by Hillary Clinton was the most awaited political memoir of the year 2014 not only in America but also in the rest of the world. But sadly it also the most disappointing memoir I have ever read. In fact the worst memoir, I’ve ever read.

More than a memoir, it appeared to me as a means of propagation to become the next President of US. It is of the gimmick to raise funds for the presidential election and also making people aware about the so called great traveling she has done for the country.Throughout the book she merely highlighted her work as the Secretary of States as that was the most challenging thing in the universe.

It was merely a one sided account more like a documentary where she is giving day to day work she has done. There are no integrated insights, no analysis, what affects of her foreign policy on America and world as a whole.  Nothing as such has been mentioned in the book. It was a mere recollection of accounts in the countries she traveled during her tenure. 

Some one who are interested in international affairs might end up reading the whole book without adding anything to one’s knowledge.

The Verdict:

Buying Hard Choice is serious waste of money and reading it is serious waste of time. This is one book which I’ll highly recommend for not reading.

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Ritu Mantri

Ritu is an avid book reader. She also reviews books and have reviewed around 200+ books till date. Her target is to finish 1000 books.