Karna’s Celestial Armor by Surendra Nath

Book on Karna

Author’s eye

Often authors surprises me with their imaginations and keenness for plot. Karna’s Celestial Armour by the author Surender Nath being one such book.

You all know Indra Dev took away the Kavach and Kundal from Karna. But how many of you had given the thought of what happened to the armour afterwards. Well our dear author did think and we readers got to read an adventurous book about retrieving the armour.

Second Book of Series

Karna’s Celestial Armour is the second book in the Karna’s Alter Ego series. First book was about Vasu’s life struggle which was very similar to that of Karna’s. In second book you will find Vasu embarking on the adventurous quest for Karna’s Celestial Armour.

The title of the book is enough to generate interest though the jacket is lackluster.

Thoughts about the book

The book is written in first person from Karna’s POV. Karna is not directly involved in the adventure but plays more of the role of spectator and commentator, narrating the adventure of Vasu and occasionally​ giving him advice.

Vasu’s quest is full of challenges and sometimes dangerous as well. There were a lot of mental action along with the physical. But nothing which will move you to the edge of chair. The book mostly moves at the medium pace.

Suspense and thrill was lacking in the story. A little mystery and unpredictability in the plot would have done wonders and enhanced the reading experience. Everything was nearly predictable.

Lack of mystery was compensated by logical reasoning throughout the book. Nothing seems to be overlapping or forced into the story line. The author gave a logical explanation as to why Kundal and Kavach were taken away from Karna.

Though at some places author doesn’t go by logic. Vasu learns mind reading, time traveling etc in the matters of 15 days. It takes months of practice and dedication just to learn to meditate. Karna’s Vasu seems to be more than extra ordinary.

Another one, Vasu gets weapons of his choice designed, manufactured and delivered in matter of 3 months. Is it so easy and brisk in real life. I really doubt. But these  glitch have to be overlooked in order to enjoy the book.

The fusion of myth and history with fiction was commendable. The book is loaded with mythical and historical details. Though I have no idea how much historical details were twisted to suit the story line.

There are encounters with mythical characters in the story. Some characters like Lama and scientist seems to be inspired by the real people. The entire story is well laid out and well plotted.

The Verdict

It is good one time read.

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Ritu Mantri

Ritu is an avid book reader. She also reviews books and have reviewed around 200+ books till date. Her target is to finish 1000 books.

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