Let It Snow

Romance took a backstage in my life after the arrival of my son. And when I crave for few such moments in my life romantic books are my only solace. It was during such moments that I pick up Let It Snow written by three authors : John Green, Lauren Myracle and Maureen Johnson. It is first kind of book I have read in which there are three love stories written by three different authors with some common characters and place in each story indirectly helping to find love of their life.

Romance is in air or rather in snow will be the right phrase to describe the love stories in the books. All the three love stories took place in a small town called Gracetown in the amidst of one of the worst snowfall in 50 years. Each love story deals with different emotion of love. There is finding love accidently, realization of love and rediscovering love for each other. All the three love stories are simple and casual. There is no profoundity in the stories. Just light-hearted stories in the backdop of Christmas eve. 

The first story is about finding true love in the bizarre situation is written by Lauren Myracle. It is heart warming and I was like clueless that a love story was brewing somewhere in the coming pages. The protagonist has a boy friend and a series of difficult situation to face that there could be a love story some where was unthinkable. But then unthinkable happened on the Christmas day  and we as readers were cherished to read a warming love story. Though I was like not satisfied with the end. The protagonist boy friend calls her after breakup which she never received. So a why was swinging in the air and the story comes to the end.

The second story is so much a filmy kind of love story which one might have seen so many times on big screen. Two besties who knows everything about each other but are not aware of their own feeling for one another. Until one snow thunderstorm which mend to be fun ride was twisted with many unwanted event when both became aware of one’s feeling for another. This story was written by John Green. Their love story could have been better as their way towards the waffle house was not entertaing to read.

The third story was a pain to read as the protagonist keep harping about her love story and how she has messed up everything. The story is of loosing your love but rediscovering it back with even more intensity. But suddenly the way they meet again is not the focus. A teacup pig is what the author talks about when there is nothing else to harp about the separation. This story was written by Maureen Johnson.

Among the three stories I like the first one the best as the author every lost its grip on the plot and kept the fun side on with some hilarious situations and conversations. Something which was lacking in other two stories. Though it is entirely my personal opinion and readers might differ with their likings. 

The Verdict: In spite of the shortcomings it is a cute romantic comedy book to read with a cup of coffee with the baby sleeping. And when one it comes to expressing emotions all the three stories was right on target.  Bonus was a happy ending in all the three stories.

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Ritu Mantri

Ritu is an avid book reader. She also reviews books and have reviewed around 200+ books till date. Her target is to finish 1000 books.

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