
Meluha series by Amish Tripathi fired a new trend in Indian Mythological genre. His mythical fantasy portrayal of Lord Shiva’s trajectory from a common man to becoming a living god was a runaway success. This trend found further boosting through the Kalki series by Kevin Missal. His latest book Narasimha in the Mahaavatar series gives an interesting human touch to the angry avatar of Lord Vishnu.

The protagonist Narasimha scarpers from the warfare to live in obscurity. Though not for too long as circumstances again pulls him in the war between Devas and Asuras. He was in a confused state of mind and was constantly contemplating to distinguish evil from good.

Along with his story, two more threads run in parallel telling the story of Prahlad and Hiranyakashyap.

It is famously said the story of Bhakt is always more interesting than the Bhagwan himself. A reason why the stories of Meera Bai, Narsi, Nachiketa, Hanuman, Prahlad etc. are recited and fondly remembered as these are the stories of undeterred faith and hope. Inspiring in itself.

Is this the reason why I loved Prahlad’s part more than Narasimha’s. Well, I couldn’t affirm about it. But when I sit back and think about Narasimha, the protagonist of the story, the author holds back his creative juices to flow freely into plot involving him and instead his imagination was at work for Prahlad and Hiranayakashyap. I actually enjoyed reading the way both this father and son story took shape, creating a perfect platform for their future conflicts and clash.

It was a good read. I am eagerly awaiting the next book in order to know how the modern version of the confrontation between Prahlad and Hiranayakashyap. A major bitter twist in the relation of Narsimha and Prahlad was hinted. So looking forward to know how the author plays around with it to add more drama and action into the storyline.

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Ritu Mantri

Ritu is an avid book reader. She also reviews books and have reviewed around 200+ books till date. Her target is to finish 1000 books.

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