The Cuckoo's Calling by J.K.Rowling


There was a great confusion who wrote The Cuckoo’s Calling. Some sites says it was Robert Galbraith and other says it was J.K. Rowling. The black clouds over the author’s name got dispersed when Rowling asserted that the novel was written by her and published under the pseudonym “Robert Galbraith”. There are many theories on why Rowling did so. Anyways coming back to the crime novel The Cuckoo’s Calling.

It is a very slow paced murder mystery novel where a private detective has been hired by the deceased’s brother who thinks it is murder rather then suicide as claimed by the Police. The investigation is a done through interrogation which is not interesting to read at all.

The main murder plot of the novel is very weak. So there are some sub plots written by the author in order to support the main plot. But the sub plots takes away the impact of murder mystery. It is not a fast paced and intriguing murder mystery novel which will keep you hooked to the book till the end.

Though by the end of the novel Rowling really pulls off very neatly and manages to tie all the loose ends. So by the end of the novel you will not entirely feel disgusted with the novel.

Verdict: I won’t recommend a buy even if you are a die hard J.K. Rowling fan. It is nothing like Harry Potter series. Even the Harry Potter series in Hindi is amazing and intriguing to read. Borrow from a friend or library if you still wish to read. I liked Dan Brown’s Inferno more.

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Ritu Mantri

Ritu is an avid book reader. She also reviews books and have reviewed around 200+ books till date. Her target is to finish 1000 books.