The Doctor's Diet: Dr. Travis Stork's STAT Program to Help You Lose Weight & Restore Your Health by Travis Stork

The one who have read Travis Stork’s The Lean Belly Prescription knows very well how passionate and concern Dr Travis is about human being health in general. He writes in his new and latest book The Doctor’s Diet how painful and sorrowful it is when he experience untimely death of individuals not due to any accidents but due to their dangerously pathetic eating habits.

I would like to quote him here from his book which left me stun. Dr. Travis writes,”The biggest emergencies in ERs across United Sates is the food we willingly,knowingly and happily choose to eat.”

The title of the book The Doctor’s Diet really strikes us that Diet means deprivation. But there is nothing as such. In fact Dr. Travis encourages you to eat but eat healthy which will keep you full and curtails desire to binge .

Dr. Travis himself follow the diet in his daily life. If followed properly and religiously then The Doctor’s Diet by Travis Stork could be a path to “longer, healthier and happier life.”

The whole plan of Travis is not just weight loss but overall improvement of health. His funda is very simple. Dr Travis has made it very clear that our belly is not a dustbin in which we can trash any garbage. He creates an awareness of good food and bad food which is actually an eye opener.

He has divided his STAT program in three parts. First is to lose weight. Second to restore your overall health. Third is to maintain it all your life. The maintaining part is the most difficult one. Since you can easily lose weight and then become complacent which could lead to binging and weight gain. But if you can follow his strategies in the book The Doctor’s Diet works and will help you to restore good health and to maintain it as well.

The book include recipes like Nutty-Berry Smoothie, Breakfast Banana Split, Greek Lentil Salad, Quick-Fix Bean Burrito Bowl Salad, Turkey Black Bean Chili, Garlic Shrimp, Grilled Portobello Mushrooms, and Baked Sweet Potato Fries. Travis has shown healthy way to cook these and many more recipes.

Verdict: All in all I found The Doctors’s Diet to be very motivating giving every possible reason to wake up and care about your body. He has chalked out a reasonable diet plan without depriving and some good healthy yet delicious and yummy recipes as well.

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Ritu Mantri

Ritu is an avid book reader. She also reviews books and have reviewed around 200+ books till date. Her target is to finish 1000 books.

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