The Fault in our Stars by John Green


I started reading The Fault in our Stars by John Green after finishing This Star Won’t Go Out: The Life and Words of Esther. The Fault in our Stars is inspired by real life story of Esther Grace who was suffering from thyroid cancer. The face of Esther kept coming in front of my eyes as I was reading The Fault in our Star. The result was that by the end of the book, I was emotional drained.

The Fault in our Star is one of the bestseller books of 2013. And also made into the shortlist of Man Booker Prize 2013. The book has also been adapted into a movie with the same title. Its trailer has already got millions of views.

The Fault in our star is the story about Hazel Grace who is only 16 years old and suffering from lung cancer. John through Hazel and other characters portrays the inner and outer trauma a cancer patients suffers in their small life time. They are unsure if they can witness the next sunrise or not. Every good day of their life could be the ‘last good day’.

Sure the protagonist of the story is suffering from cancer but this book is not just about cancer but also about other things as well which makes the book even more melancholy because we as readers are falling in love with the character Hazel who is suffering from cancer which we are aware of in back of our mind.

There are many conversations in the book. Particularly the one between Hazel and Augustus, her boyfriend where so sweet and enthralling. I just wished for more and more. But John kept all the conversational between them kind of sweet and snappy.

John Green has also very cleverly used many fictional book, video games in his real book as a pretext for the friendship between Hazel and Augustus and bringing them closer. But these little improvisions by John Green makes the book so relatable and builds a real environment.

There is also mention of a book named An Imperial Affliction which is the favorite book of Hazel also about a girl called Anna suffering from blood cancer. Well I thought it is a real book and began searching for it in order to read just to find that it is the imaginative book of John Green in his real book The Fault of our Star. This book also has a vital role to play in book.

While reading the book I quite got an idea this love story between Hazel and Augustus will be tragic. Any one of them will die as even Augustus was suffering from cancer. And the story will have a sad and tragic end. But John Green managed to pull a stunning end which was completely unexpected.

The book ends with Augustus letter in which he writes that he has found his real love of his life in Hazel. He knew it well one of them will die and other will be hurt but still he did not regret doing so and so was Hazel. Deep inside they both were happy to discover love for each other and not hiding their feeling and avoiding. I think this was a happy end to a tragic love story. Hats off to John Green for such a incredible end.

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Ritu Mantri

Ritu is an avid book reader. She also reviews books and have reviewed around 200+ books till date. Her target is to finish 1000 books.