lethal spice by Swati Kaushal buy

Lethal Spice by Swati Kaushal is the about the master chef contest taking place in Shimla where a devastating things happens. One of the contestant has died. After the death, the whole plot revolves around the fact that whether it was a homicide or suicide. Shimla’s superintendent of police Niki Marwah and her team is trying hard to solve the mystery.

Well this is in brief is the synopsis of Lethal Spice. I’m yet to read the book but it is high on my to-read list. What amazes me is the creativeness of writers to pick plots from the day to day affairs. It is a writer’s observing mind who can whiff the smell of a potential plot in a master chef contest. Well I’m really looking forward to read this mystery novel. The review of Lethal Spice by Swati Kaushal is coming soon.

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Ritu Mantri

Ritu is an avid book reader. She also reviews books and have reviewed around 200+ books till date. Her target is to finish 1000 books.