One Minute Superdad by Dr. Prashant Jindal Review
I have started reading parenting books three years ago after donning the mother’s hat. Since then I have read many parenting books. My favorite being Modern Gurukul by Sonali Bendre, Spiritual Parenting by Gopika Kapoor. One Minute Superdad by Prashant Jindal being the latest and I think I will treasure it all my life. I plan to re-read it every year in order to extract the pearls of wisdom according to the age of my child.
No Frills
The book has been written in a simple yet organized way. The author has avoided unnecessary build ups which resulted in a very thin and undaunting parenting book. Often people like The Husband avoid reading books because of their size. But now he has no reason to say no.
There is a very brief introduction at the beginning of each chapter strictly related to the topic and then a series of one minute magic tips and occasional one minute grenades.
Easy To Implement
I have already tried a few and to my surprise I have seen positive results.
For example, I have tried his magic tip for making children eat healthy food. Following his advice, I keep telling my son about the nutritional value of the food offered and how it will make a difference in his body. So Dates are full of iron which will help in blood formation, dal or pulses are full of protein which will help build muscles etc. And it worked.
On the author’s suggestion I have pasted his drawings on the walls, so whenever my son says he can’t do it, I simply show him his drawings for motivation.
I really love parenting books written by parents as they are full of personal experience, inspiring anecdotes, tips and suggestions which worked for them, how to respond to various tricky situations with kids, etc. And I must say Dr. Prashant’s tips are not only handy but enlightening as well.
Parenting Funda
The most important parenting tool, according to the author, is consistency in your efforts in order to yield the desired results. All his tips and strategies are based on it.
The book has been written with a lot of positivity that I can actually feel the positive energy and vibes around me.
There are wide range of suggestions which covers toddlers to teens. So I feel the book has to be read once in a year in order to pick up the tips according to the age of the child.
Why the name Superdad
Well the author has written the book keeping fathers in mind. With change of dynamics, father’s role in the upbringing of children needs to be changed. They just can’t remain passive parent spurting into action once in a blue moon.
But Dr Prashant’s one minute magic tips and suggestions are useful for both the parents to adopt and implement. So in a way this parenting book helps you to become a super parent.
The Verdict
It is a must read parenting book. Most of the suggestions are doable. What is required is devotion and commitment from parents to consistently implement those suggestions.