books for toddler

After the super success of the Touch and Feel Book, I felt encouraged to buy more such books for my son. So here comes a whole set of small board picture books for him. 

The set of 10 books comes in a sweet little cardboard box but didn’t last long. It would have been better had the books came in a plastic books. The various titles include ABC, 123, Food, Fruit, Vegetables, Birds, Animals, Vehicles, Words and lastly, Colors.

Each book has beautiful illustrations along with their names. My son loves looking at the pictures and talk to them. Sometimes he brings a book of his choice from the set to me and we together talk about various pictures in the book. It is a great way to enhance the vocabulary of the kids.

But there is a problems. In the first two three pages there are fewer and bigger pictures and in the remaining pages there are more pictures so the pages looks crowded and my son took some time to adjust with the change of pattern. And this is the case in all the books.

The quality of the books are good. They are tough and sturdy. Board thickness is reasonable enough to not to make books very heavy for the small hands to carry or read. Also the fear of tearing the pages is as good as gone. 

Couple of books I didn’t like at all. First is food book. It has all the pictures of fast and junk food which are not at all healthy options. There are plenty of healthy Indian foods which didn’t find place in the book. So this one book I would really love to hide from my little one.

Another is color book. The color example should be real one. Now there is a orange capsicum, yellow duck and black chick. Where on Earth one will find them. Also there are series of repetition of telephone and balloon for most of the color example. Is there any dearth of colors in the world.

Also I wish they include some more topics in the set like relation, shapes, size, body parts, flowers and nursery rhymes.

The Verdict: In spite of all these short comings, it is still a lovely cute little collection of toddler books. Totally worth a buy.

Recommendation Age: One can start showing these books to kids after they start sitting properly and they will really play or show interest in them only after completion of a year. From my personal experience. But then every baby is different.


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Ritu Mantri

Ritu is an avid book reader. She also reviews books and have reviewed around 200+ books till date. Her target is to finish 1000 books.

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