Speaking the modi way

The way our Prime Minister Narendra Modi connects with people both in India and outside no one has managed to do so. His speeches enchants his listeners, mesmerize them that people see what Modi makes them to see. He carries so much energy and expression in his speech that one could feel the adrenaline rush in their body. Such is the charm of Modi.

Experts all around the world are working to decode Modi art of oratory to help people master his skills. One such is Virender Kapoor who shows through his book Speaking: The Modi Way show to speak, persuade and motivate like Narendra Modi. Starting with an analysis of his inspiring rise from humble origins to the post of prime minister, the author goes on to show how Modi always appears to speak from the heart; how he uses facts and figures to substantiate his arguments; how he makes optimum use of similes, metaphors and word puns; how he tailors his speeches according to his audience; and his unique ways of packaging and presenting ideas.

Relatable and inspiring, this book will show you how to become not just a good speaker, but a great one, like Prime Minister Modi.

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Ritu Mantri

Ritu is an avid book reader. She also reviews books and have reviewed around 200+ books till date. Her target is to finish 1000 books.

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