best books by osho

My hubby is the follower of Osho and he keep insisting me to read his books. But, somehow, I always manage to evade it. Though, not this time when he handed me this particular Osho book named From Sex to Superconsciousness. I was quite intrigued by the title of the book as how sex could lead to super consciousness. So my curiosity, lead me to read the book, which is the first Osho book I have read. I have cherished each moment while reading the book.

It is the first book on sex which I could read and re-read without feeling guilty of arousing myself and will also refer and recommend the book to others without feeling ashamed. Now I think I’ll also shed the inhibition of talking about sex to the younger ones. This is so because Osho has uncovered many truths about sex and life and has broken the age old myth that “Sex is Sin”.

Very recently an uproar was created when Union Health Minister Dr. Harsh Vardhan said that sex education should be banned in India.  Osho in the book writes that the more we prohibit sex, the more curious people become. Instead of opposing and suppressing, Osho says that mind should be freed from the sex in order to attain celibacy and he explain in details how that could be done in the most harmonious way.

According to Osho, Sex generates sexual energy which has to be experienced and comprehended before attaining celibacy. It is then only human being could be stopped from straying on the wrong path of sex. One could not reach the last point of ladder without taking the first step of ladder.  A sexual experience is an experience of love, a means to reach what is beyond our consciousness.

Why there is so much attraction towards sex. Osho explains that it is those pleasurable moments of orgasm when human mind is completely still, without any thoughts, timelessness, a ray of light in darkness, a glimpse of god is something human being crave for all the time. One thought after another keep our mind busy all day and night but in that one moment of orgasm mind has no thoughts at all. Osho calls that state of mind as samadhi which is the first step towards spirituality.

Unfortunately, due to so many taboos about sex, human mind could never go beyond the first step towards the ultimate goal of experiencing enlightenment in meeting the infinite whole. According to Osho, there are three levels of sex: physical, psychological and spiritual. Sadly, due to lack of openness about sex, human being rarely go beyond the physical level to reach the highest level of sex where there is stability of timelessness and egolessness for which human being craves.

Reading the book was an eye opener for me. I have never thought so deeply about sex and that there is also a spiritual level which opens the door to godliness. Osho says that the spiritual level could be attained by practicing meditation. It is the key to celibacy. During meditation, one  can experience a more perfect and elongated kind of bliss which is no possible on the physical level.

The book has something for everyone. People will find answers  and solutions to detrimental problems like violent sex. Instead of getting obsessed with your sexual feeling, Osho says that one should understand it, accept it and free yourself from it. The book is not overly preachy or theoretical. It is beautifully written and his thoughts on love were very admiring. His teaching were accompanied by many interesting stories and anecdotes. 

The Verdict:

On the personal level this book is life changing for me. It has completely given new dimension to my entire perspective and thinking about sex and love. It is an immensely thought provoking book and I sincerely and seriously believe everyone must read this book once in their lifetime if not once every year.

There is one more thing which I loved about his thinking. Osho has deep respect for women. This is evident from the fact that he looked upon both man and woman as a individuals as human being. Not once he cited woman as man’s wife. Never once he said man and his wife. It is always husband and wife and man and woman. Both should harmoniously help each other to reach the highest level of sex where husband and wife relation transforms into mother and son relation. Mahatama Gandhi and  Kasturba Gandhi are the legendary example which Osho has cited in the book.

Lastly I want to thank The Hubby from bottom of my heart who convinced me to read the book From Sex to Superconsciousness.

Buy From Sex To Superconsciousness in English

Sambhog Se Samadhi ki Aur Hindi

Sambhog Se Samadhi ki Aur Hindi Audio CD

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Ritu Mantri

Ritu is an avid book reader. She also reviews books and have reviewed around 200+ books till date. Her target is to finish 1000 books.