
There is always a struggle between me and my 14 months old son during sleeping time. He just don’t want to sleep and I want to hit the sack as soon as possible. This struggle would have continued hadn’t I stumble upon this bedtime board book. 

Bedtime is one of the book in the Happy Baby series with night time as its theme. Each page shows the bedtime activities which kids do with the help of parents before going to sleep.

The baby is getting ready for bed by wearing his night dress. Then drinking milk and brushing teeth before being tuck in bed. The baby cuddles with his teddy bear and falls asleep with stars and moon.

Though it is like a story the book follows but the baby is different on each page. I think the same baby on all pages would have been a good idea. But my baby seems to be indifferent to it and so it doesn’t much matters to me as well.


My son specially likes this page. As soon he sees this page, off he runs to get his tooth brush and start brushing. On another page there is a teddy bear and he insist for it and sleeps cuddling him.


All in all as soon as I bring out this book my little one gets the impression it is time to sleep and we both sleeps together without any fuss. 

Regarding the picture quality, the illustrations are very good and clear. The pictures are big enough for the baby to relate. There are only 3 photos on one page with a baby photo on another.

The first impression of the book is that it is very thick. But there are only eight pages in the book. It’s actually a very thick board book. Page can’t be torn so easily and the book can handle any manhandling by the baby.

The Verdict: There is never more better idea than to end the day of the baby with a book.Bed time stories helps in strengthening the bond between both baby and parents but also enhances their vocabulary.

This Bedtime Board Book is a great way to begin with the toddler.

I think one page on bed time prayer would have made it a completely perfect bedtime book.


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Ritu Mantri

Ritu is an avid book reader. She also reviews books and have reviewed around 200+ books till date. Her target is to finish 1000 books.

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