2 states movie 2 states by chetan bhagat buy online


I read 2 States novel by Chetan Bhagat about 4 years ago. The book is so deeply etched in my memory that after so many years I vividly remember everything written in the book. So when the movie adaptation of the book was about to release, I was overly excited about it. But I returned home fairly disappointed after watching the movie.

Instead of discovering the difference in the book and novel one should concentrate what scenes are included and excluded in the movie from the book.

The movie is exact copy paste of the book with minimum or no use of any creativeness. As a consequence the movie was very boring to watch as I know what is coming next. Nothing different to startle the audience who have read the book, of course. I was expecting it to be like 3 idiots or closer to it.

Acting of all the characters was good though I was confused at times whether Alia was crying or smiling. I could hardly differentiate. Only once her nostrils were flaring while crying, I was sure that yes this time indeed she is weeping.

For me the novel 2 states by Chetan Bhagat is the best. If you think watching the movie is enough then think again. Book is far much better than the movie. You can read my review of the book here.


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Ritu Mantri

Ritu is an avid book reader. She also reviews books and have reviewed around 200+ books till date. Her target is to finish 1000 books.