The Last Seychelles Flame by Medha Nagur Review

romance books for adults

When it’s drizzling outside and a mild cool breeze is swaying the trees all I want to read is a romantic novel with a hot cup of coffee. In such a good mood I picked up The Last Seychelles Flame by Medha Nagur. It is a fairy tale, Cinderella kind of romantic story, too good to be true in real life, but somewhere deep within your heart, you want to believe that it can happen.

The Story in Brief

The story is about a budding and extremely talented female photographer Adrija Agte. But life is not butter smooth for her. She comes to Mumbai to realize her dreams much against her parents wish. In Mumbai troubles were waiting to embrace her. How she will combat all the problems and battling heartbreaks at the same time forms the rest of the story.

An Inspiring Protagonist

Adrija Agte is the protagonist and the story is written from her perspective in first person. She is in some way an inspiring character. Adrija will inspire you to follow your heart. That if you have realised your calling, then don’t let hurdles, unfavorable circumstances, negative thoughts and negating relatives come in between your dreams.

She faced severe opposition from her parents, terrorised by ex flame, her own insecurities and money crunch. Yet her eyes were always set on her dream to become a top fashion photographer.

My Thoughts

The book doesn’t explore the inspiring theme. It is just my personal observation about the protagonist character and I wished the author would have focused more on this aspect. Giving more details about the
photographer’s world and to create more authentic scenes related to photo shoot.

But, of course, it is a romantic novel and the author has focused more upon the love life of the protagonist. Even that part seems to be rushed upon. The way Adrija meets a guy Omkar and both fell for each other was not so convincing and their love story seems to be inspired from Bollywood romantic movies. The author could have done a better job in this aspect.

The story line is fairly predictable, especially if you are into reading romantic genre. In spite of that you will continue to read the story due to the feel good romance blooming between the two individuals.

The Verdict

It is a quick and crisp read. A heartwarming romance novel goes well if you are in a mood to read some light romantic novel with Bollywood style drama and romance and a happy ending.

It is a three starer read.

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Ritu Mantri

Ritu is an avid book reader. She also reviews books and have reviewed around 200+ books till date. Her target is to finish 1000 books.

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